

Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:16:33 +0000 From: J mailto:[email protected]
Reply-To: J mailto:[email protected]
Subject: Here are the contents of my referral
To: Roger Tortorella [email protected]

Every word, punctuation, bold font, etc. is all from me, a client - Zonia

***READ THIS*** if you are leery or not sure what you want.


My name is Zonia & I did indeed purchase a "sable" shepherd from Roger. I'll start at the beginning because you will them totally understand a great deal about "WHY" you will never be sorry if you get a chance to purchase a shepherd from Roger. Roger is not only very experienced in every aspect of the german shepherd, but he is also an extraordinary very wise man.

First of all, I was not forced to write this, nor instructed on what to say, this is written from my own words and comes from the heart. Since I was a little girl, I have always wanted a german shepherd, mostly because I learned at a very young age how intelligent (#1) this breed is. Long story short, there were three occasions in my life, where I was seriously considering on getting a german shepherd and actually bought the "Monks" book on how to raise german shepherds back when I was in my 30's. It just never seemed to be the right time, as through the years we chose to have cats, but I never gave up on the idea to have a german shepherd someday. Fast forward, near 60 years old now, recent marriage to a man who had 4 german shepherds in his life & that he sled trained. We are currently raising goats and chickens and down to one cat AND moving to Missouri to retire. Yes, time now for MY dream to come true...MY GERMAN SHEPERD!

I've ran my own successful corporation & other businesses and have many professional jobs and am also an avid researcher...so...I dug into many avenues to find a german shepherd, from adopting, rescue, puppy mills (not wanting to go this way at all but just checking things out )and to where I've researched many times before in the past...and that is, "professionally trained and raised purebred german shepherds. It was an easy decision after the researching as I really didn't want to start with a puppy after all, too much work and time that I really didn't have, so with that being said, I figured on getting a german shepherd that had some additional protection training (I was a correctional officer also so I was fascinated with K-9's that would assist us when needed). So I had saved the Zwinger Von Himmel site to come back to after I narrowed it down. Now, let me just say, that I wasn't sold on the idea that there were no prices listed AND there were so many of the german shepherd dogs pictures but they were all sold. But I did appreciate that there was so much information on the breed, etc, that it impressed me, so I had to call. After talking with Roger for a while, I liked his tone, his professionalism, his wisdom, but I still needed to know before I sent off that large sum of money if I was really going to get a "great" dog. So, I did some more research and found some other clients who had not only purchased dogs from Roger, but were training them further for K-9 units, Wounded Warrior projects and such, etc. (you can search the web yourself - I used the ZwingerVonHimmel) and contacted them. I didn't inform them that I had talked to Roger, I just wanted to get information from them and see what they had available and how happy they were with the dogs they received from Germany. Well, I only had to call one of Roger's clients and was so thrilled to hear how awesomely happy they were with the dogs they had purchased (5) from Roger. That's all I needed to hear, so I contacted Roger for the go ahead to FINALLY get the shepherd that I've always wanted.

***Here comes the important part...YOU MUST just "trust" Roger and "know" that he will pick the right dog for you!!! He has an innate ability that comes from his passion and the love he attains for this awesome breed. He has experience way beyond what most people can even comprehend and I not even sure if he is totally 100% aware of it. I love that this man, cares so deeply about EVERY single dog that he gives as a gift to YOU! Every client must meet his expectations or YOU WILL NOT GET ONE FROM HIM! Thank God/Creator I say! I wouldn't want to receive a dog from anyone who doesn't genuinely care and just does it for the money. I also learned how much the trainer's really care for each one of these shepherds and did receive confirmation and proof of such.

***NOW - about his dogs*** - I cannot describe completely or fully the total awesomeness of the 2 year old we received. It brings tears to my eyes to know that I have been so blessed with such an wonderful, extraordinary, unbelievable temperament, masterful agility, well-mannered and easily manageable, very social, not hyper, astute sable german shepherd named Wasi. His marking are unbelievable. He never bothered nor went after our chickens from day one and loves to chase/play with the goats and round them up. Without a doubt, it's like he has been with us since a puppy and fit right in almost immediately! It is SO SO SO worth it, every penny, to receive a dog that IS "properly" trained! There is NO WAY a person can train their own puppy to become what this majestic 2 year old german shepherd is. This referral is being written after having Wasi for way over a month and the only reason for the delay was the move that hindered the time I wanted to spend on writing this referral. To this day, Wasi still amazes me...I can't say enough...I can hardly still believe it. What a Divine blessing indeed! You will not be disappointed with the gift you receive : )

I've left my contact information with Roger to pass along if anyone should wish to contact me for any additional information.

Kind regards,
